Author: Ratih Wulandari

How to save a lot of time and become super productive at home and at work

How to save a lot of time and become super productive at home and at work

Life is short, why waste it doing menial tasks slowly, or inefficiently? Many people…

Fight Bad Odours at Home – How to Fight 5 Common Sources of Unpleasant Smells

Fight Bad Odours at Home – How to Fight 5 Common Sources of Unpleasant Smells

Our noses can pick up all sorts of smells – sometimes you can’t even…

Keeping a Clean Home When Living With Pets

Keeping a Clean Home When Living With Pets

Pets are part of the family for many people nowadays, and more and more…

“Every client feels like a family member” – Cleaning partner, Maria, talks about life with Helpling

“Every client feels like a family member” – Cleaning partner, Maria, talks about life with Helpling

Maria has been using the Helpling platform since April 2015. She originally came from…

How to Get Rid of Fruit Flies, For Good

How to Get Rid of Fruit Flies, For Good

It’s that time of year again. That wonderful time when the sun is shining,…

How to Clean Earphones, Smartphones and Other Tech Items

How to Clean Earphones, Smartphones and Other Tech Items

January is a time where our homes are full with the latest gadgets after…

How to Sleep on a Hot Night

How to Sleep on a Hot Night

When we think of summer, we think of barbecues, sun-drenched balconies, ice cream, the…

From Patio Furniture to Lighting: Design ideas for the Perfect Summer Patio

From Patio Furniture to Lighting: Design ideas for the Perfect Summer Patio

Now that it is finally warm again, we want to take advantage of every…

Natural Recipes for Home Cleaning Products

Natural Recipes for Home Cleaning Products

Many people prefer eco-friendly cleaning products to the ones with strong smells and a…

11 Quick BBQ Cleaning Hacks

11 Quick BBQ Cleaning Hacks

There’s nothing better to welcome in the arrival of warmer weather than a good old barbecue….